Thursday, October 21, 2010

Countdown by Deborah Wiles

It's 1962 in this documentary novel entitled COUNTDOWN by Deborah Wiles. John F. Kennedy is the president. Martin Luther King Jr. is just starting to speak his message. Pete Seeger is writing folk songs. And Franny is a girl who loves her family and Nancy Drew books. In school Franny and her classmates are taught to "duck and cover" when air raid sirens go off. She's fighting with her best friend, has a crush on the boy next store and is afraid that Cuba and/or Russia will drop an atom bomb on America. Franny's story is told interspersed with news articles, lyrics to songs, maps and illustrations in quite an amazing book. For a different kind of historical fiction book check out COUNTDOWN.


Anonymous said...

sup im simon and I <3 reedin & books <'_'> i wil <3 this book cuz i am such a pasaionate reader. and i want this book becuz its waesomr


Mrs. Katz said...


I am so glad you want to read this book. It is available for checkout in our library. Come any time!

Mrs. Katz