Would you like a chance to win this thriller? To be entered into the contest leave a comment on this blog telling me which book was your favorite book out of all the books you were required to read in school. The contest will end on Monday, October 26th at 11:59 PM.
Be sure to leave your name, last initial and teacher.
Sean G.
Mrs Ayala
My favorite book i was required to read was sign of the beaver. i think i should win because "the challenge" sounds like a book where someone gets in trouble and i like those kind of books.So far for the other books there there a lot of really good coments so i hope i win!!
Chelsea N.
My favorite book is Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hahtcher by Bruce Coville. I first read it in Battle of the Books. This book was really descriptive and funny. It also left me in suspense. I sure hope I win!
Jasmine Nguyen
mister zagarella
i really want this book ive entered other contests but i never won.your gonna be my favorite librarian if you pick me please pick me i am very desparate.
Laura Carter Teacher Mr.Zagarella
I love books plus I love the library. I also love tether ball. I hope i win1!!!!
I love your blog. I have never won a book before.
Andrew Davis
Mrs. McBride
I should win because I am super duper awesome. I like burritos, pie, donuts, potatoes, fries, cookies, PlayStation 2, baseball, basketball, football, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. That book is awesome. I also like the New York Mets.
Justin Oh
5th grade
Mrs. Hope
Dear Mrs. Katz,
My favorite book that I was required to read was "A Wrinkle In Time". This book was full of suspense and action. This time travel book is about Meg, Charles, and Calvin who try to save their father from Camazotz. The plot was very interesting and the story was very descriptive. I hope I win the contest, and you are the best librarian ever, Mrs. Katz!
Justin Oh
Sophie R-S.
Ms. G. Johnson
Dear favorite librarian,
My favorite book that I was required to read was The Indian in the Cupboard. It was the best book ever!!! This book looks really interesting and cool. I hope I win!!
dear mrs.katz
my favorite book that i read at school was by the great horn spoon.i like adventure stories.i hope i win.
lindsay bracken mrs.bradleys class
Hi Mrs. Katz,
This is Naman Shah from Mrs. Gordillo's class. I want Steel Trap because I love books. I also want Steel Trap because I love Ridley Pearson's books.
Naman Shah Mrs. Gordillo
Dear Mrs. Katz,
I think I should win this book because i love to read books. I think your the best librain ever
From Ryan Eckart
Mrs. joy Rasic
Warren G.
Mrs Ayala
My favorite book I had to read was island of the blue dolphins. I think I should win because I always like to read
Dear Mrs. Katz,
My favorite book that I was required to read was Island of the Blue Dolphins. I have not finished it yet but I am almost done and so far it is really good. I think I should win the contest because I love to read. I do it about an hour and a half a day. I want to win this book really bad. I love winning. I also love reading. I want to read The Challange but in order to do that I need to win. So I need to win.
Kristen M.
Mrs. Gordillo
Dear Mrs. Katz,
I would like to win this book because
I think the book sounds very interseting.
My favorite book I had to read was, The Indian in the Cupboard. I found the book very interseting, and I really liked the story. I loved the part when the boy put the plastic Indian in the cupboard and when he came back, he discovered that the Indian was alive. That is why I want this book. I am not desperate to get it, but I would love to try it! Thank- you for reading my comment!
- Lauren young
mrs ayala
My favorite book that i had to read was the sign of the beaver. I want this book because I think it sounds very interseting.
- Kevin A.
Mrs. Ayala
Tanya N.
Mrs. Hope
My favorite book I was required to read was 'The Cay'. It was really, really, interesting and i loved the characters.
Also, I think Ridley Pearson is a great author. He helped co-write the book 'Peter and the Starcatchers', and i loved that book. I would be very grateful if I was able to read another one of his books.
This looks like abreathtaking book. Nick Jensen
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