Do you wonder what it will be like in middle school? Amelia will help you with her survival guide. To enter this contest comment on this post and tell me what you will miss about Golden the most when you are promoted and move on to middle school. Remember to include your first name, last initial and teacher.
The contest will end Thursday, October 22 at 11:59 PM.
Dear Mrs. Katz,
I beleive I should get the book because I have many questions about Middle school. I don't read books much so I would love to read this. I'll miss Library and Snack time the most about Golden. Library is very fun and I will try to enjoy books more.
Rachel E.
Mr. Louie
Dear Mrs. Katz
I think that it is GREAT that you are giving away this book to sixth grade girls. As a 6th grade girl myself, I would love to get this book, because I have many questions about middle school. Like what kind of teachers are there? What really happens in the locker room? Will people start rumors about you? And if they do, what will you do? So those are some of my questions. It would be great to know some more stuff about middle school. To be compleately honest with you, I will miss EVERYTHING about this school. I will miss the three princapals I have had, Mrs Kanutson, Mrs Beeswart, And of course Mrs Chakan. I will miss all of my teacher. Mrs. Deland. Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Patrick (wasn't here for third grade) Mr. Z, Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Cole (science), Mrs. Ayala, Mrs Johnson ( math ), Mrs. Llorenz, and of course you. Mrs. Katz. To be honest with you, library is my favorite activity the class does outside the classroom walls. I know that middle school, you don't just have ONE teacher, you have like seven.
Thank-You for reading my message.
-Lauren Y. Mrs. Ayala 6th grade
WOW!!! This book looks great!!!! I'm totally gonna miss some of my friends, because not all of them are going to Tuffree!! And, I loved helping you in the library!!! If it was scanning books, shelving, or anything, I wish I could still do it!! But I think I'll mostly miss library time with you!! When people ask me, what's my favortie subject, I always say library!! It's so fun!!!
I would really like to get this book!!
Thanks for another awesome contest!!
Andrea F.
Mrs. Hope
Dear Mrs. Katz,
I think I should get this book because I need a new book to read, and I have no idea what middle school is about!! I don't know how it goes and I would really appreciate this book if I got it! I love going to the library, and I love to enjoy books! Library is my favorite thing to do out of the classroom! You rock Mrs. Katz.
Sophie R-S.
Ms. G. Johnson
Dear mrs.Kats omg evryone is going to be look at this hi !!! i would love to win this book because it looks so interesting and so i would lov 2 hav this =]
sierra hoyt
G. johnsons class
I can't beleve you are letting only sixth grade girls try to get this book. I would really love this book because i love to read and you are one of my favorite teachers in the whole world.... I would love another book to read.....
I beleive I should get the book because I have many questions about middle school and I would need help with sertain things and I would need help.... I would miss all my teachers I had Mrs. C. Johnson, Mrs. Trueblood, Mrs. Mcdonald, Mrs.V.Johnson, Mrs.Cole/Rasic, Mrs. Payne/Wagner, Mrs.Cole (Science), Ms.G.Johnson, Mrs.Ayala (Science)......
With Love,
Melinda Sabo Ms.G.Johnson
Dear Mrs. Katz,
I think I should have the book because I wont make it without a guide. It would really be helpful to me since there is more drama and I want to survive it. I will miss the time with my teacher because the teachers at jr. high wont give you time. But only study hall. I will read as much as I can durring study hall cuz this looks like a great and interresting book.
Rio Mcgonigle
6 grade
What I mean in my comment is, I WILL MISS LIBRARY ): and Mrs. Katz
Your Friend,
Sophie R-S.
Ms. G. Johnson
Dear Mrs.Katz,
I think that i should win this book because i love girly books and i read the 5th grade one. It was great!!! Also because it would be great to get me ready for middle school. Its my last year here and it would be great to have a little reminder of the library with me.You are the best Librarian!
Ivana g.
Dear Mrs Katz
I think i should get this book because i think i will die in middle school. I think i also should get it because its great that youre giving it away . I think there are so many questions that i would like to know
By Victoria Lenyi Mrs.Ayala
mrs. katz
i would like this book because it seems like the book for mme i like reading ink heart and all of the other seasons of those books well this book seems like the one for meeee love ya
hailey perry
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