This contest is open to students in my library only.
Would you like to win a copy of the new book Diary of a Wimpy Kid : Dog Days (number 4)? To be entered into the contest just leave a comment telling me why YOU should win this book. Leave your first name and last initial and your teacher's name.
The contest is open until October 10, 2009.
Good luck!
Dear Mrs Katz, I think i should win the diary because i love to read any kind of book in my free time!! I see so far im thd only one whos commenting thats because i was waiting for this book and hope to get it!! :). Your twitter friend , ivana
Andrea F.
Mrs. Hope
I think I should win this book because I have loved reading the series. I have read each of the more than once, and also, I help you in the library alot. I really want to get this book, and it would be even better if I got it from you! Also, thanks for doing this contest!
I think that I should win this book because I love reading and this series. Reading and dogs are the best and I really hope that I win this book.
Lauren G.
Mrs. Bradley
Mrs. Katz,
I think I should win this book because I really like the Series. Also I wanted the book but i couldn't get it. You are the best librarian ever. Thanks for having this contest!
Sidney Tran
Mrs. Mcbride
Hey Mrs.Katz,
I am Harjap Charaia and I am in th grade Ms.Johnson's class. I think I should get this book because I love reading and I have been waiting for this fourth book for like forever. Also I have known you since first grade so u know i love reading!!! Please pick me!!! :) LOVE,Harjap
Dear Mrs. Katz,
This is your friend Sophie, and I think I should win "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days, because I really can't find any books that I like but then I found the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series and I LOVED it. Plus I have read all the books that I have and I need something new to read!! I hope I win!
Sophie R. S.
Ms. G. Johnson
Dear Mrs. Katz, I beleive I should get the diary of a wimpy kid because I loved the series and my brother really wanted to have it but my parents wouldn't get it for him. My little brother, Reese, had cancer and didn't get a chance to read it in the hospital C.H.O.C. so if I got the diary of a wimpy kid book I would give it to my brother. And after we read it I would donate it to the Golden library. :)
-Rachel Endresen
Mr. Louie's classroom
Jenny C.
Mrs. Hope's class
Dear Mrs. Katz, I would love to win the book because i think the whole entire series is hilarious. I have been waiting for this book ever since I finished the third book. Also, Greg Heffley is the most funny person I know. I love Jeff Kinney's writing. He's humorous and understands how a child's life is so stressful.
i think i should win the contest and i love reading and i come into the libray recess and lunch every day.I love his books i have all of the them even the do it your self book.
cassidy clark
Dear Mrs. Katz, I really would like to win the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Contest because I analyze books in my head, I predict what will happen next, and I love to read the series over and over again. It would mean everything if I could get this book. Thanks for all you have helped me with!!! :). Your friend, highmaze (Jasmine).
Dear Mrs. Katz,
I would like the Dog Days by Jeff Kinney.I like reading the series.I hope I would get it.
Dear Mrs.Katz,I think Ishould win the diary of a wimpy kid dog days because I love the series and have read every book thanks bye
from Matthew Nguyen room G1 mrs.Bradley
Dear Mrs.Katz you are the best librarian i love coming in you make the library feel so welcom even to studdie there. :) ;)
Frome: Hailey perry
Gloria jhonson
Hi Mrs. Kats Diary of a wimpy kid is a great series and the 4th one looks cool
Mrs.Kats the kid named sean that posted a comment is in Mrs.Bradley's class thank you and good bye
from Matthew Nguyen rmg1 Mrs.bradleys class
P.S love your blog it is so awesome !
Dear Mrs. Katz,
I think i should win the book because my brother really wants it and if i win i was going to give it to him. He has been waiting for it, forever!:) He has all of the books except that one.
Alyssa V.
Ms. G Johnson
Dear Mrs. Katz, I think i should win this book because i've read the whole series and i want to know what's going to happen. I'll treat it with love and care Please Mrs. Katz i hope you'll pick me!
Celeste De Leon
Mr. Zaggarella
Dear Mrs.Katz,
I think I should win this book becuase I love Jeff Kinney's books . I read all of the Diary of the Wimpy Kid book. The author is an amazing writer.Please pick me to win the book.
Raga K.
Mrs.Gordillo 4 grade
HI AGAIN!!!!!!!
Dear Mrs. Katz I think I should win this book because i have been here at golden since kindergarden. I also should win this book because i have all the other ones and i have read them all too. Lastly i want to win because i like to read and i want to have a free book.(i hope i get it)
Mrs. Joy Rasic
Simon Harmon
Dear Mrs.Katz
I think i should win beacause I have read the rest i really want to win this book so i can read it.My reacord of reading a book is 2 days you inspired my to read i never really wanted to read but all beacause of you im reading.So i hope i win.
Mrs. Joy Rasic
Alli iannone
Katrina T. cole/rassic
I think I should win because I would like to give it to one of my friends because they realy would be extatic and ' hopefuly 'come to my birthday gathering (not a party because of the date)on 12/22
thank you even if I don't win you are still very kind to me
Caleb Troy
dear Mrs. Katz,
I think i should win this book because, you are my inspireration to read and are my favorite library teacher!!! (please chose me)
I think I should get this book because dogs are so cool, and i LOOOVE the Diary of a Wimpy kid series. I hope i win!
Dear Mrs.Katz
I really want this book because i have read all of them. Almost ever morning i read something new and that is why i really want to win this contest.
From victoria lenyi
Teacher: Mrs. Ayala
Dear mrs. Kats, I think I should win the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book because I have never owned one of those types of books and it will be great if I do. Please let me win the book!!! =]
Scott Duff
Mrs. Ayala
Dear Mrs. Katz,
i think i deserve the 4th book because im a really big fan of diary of a wimpy kid. i read all the books that are out about 3 times because i just absolutely love them. i hope i win the book! thank you
Dear Mrs.Katz
I really want this book bescause I like this series after I finish any assingment in class I read these books like The Simpsons Hit the Road,or the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books
from Jake D.
from Mrs.Aylla's class
Hi this is Faith F because i love reading ,and the trilogy Diary of a Wimpy kid. Its funny!Iv also have been waiting for the next book to come out for ages! I hope I win! by for know
Mrs. Ayala
dear mrs katz
i think i deserve the 4th book because im a really big fan of the books and i read each of them
about 3 times.hope i get it!
mrs ayala
lauren p
Dear Mrs. Katz,I think I should win because I am a big fan diary of a wimpy kid trilogy.I think the book are very amusing.The books are very interesting.Thanks bye.
Mrs. ayala
Matthew Wilson
Dear Mrs. Katz, I think i should get this book because I have not read any of these books but I would like to get into reading them. my friends love them and always love The Diary Of A Wimpy Kid P.s. I probably wont win.
♥ Austin Mcdougall Mrs. Ayala 6th Grade
Dear Mrs.Katz I already posted a coment but I think I won't win the comment
Jake D.
Dear Mrs Katz, I never owned a Diary of a whimpy Kid book ever. So I would realy apresheate. If you would make me the proud owner of that book. Because I know Im not the best behaved. But hopefuly not the worst. It would just make me the happiest person in the world.
kyle schulz;
mrs. Ayala
Dear mrs. katz, hi, me erica and kayal say hi have a good rest of the day!(: have fun your friend ally fossum! p.s. i like ur blog!
Janay L Maisano
Dear Mrs Katz, I think I should win the book because I have no spensing money and I would love to read it so much. Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series is like my favorite comedy series ever.
Dear Mrs. Katz, I think I should when this book because I really like the series. I read the series whenever I finish a book and waiting for the sequel or till I get a new book. Also because my brother and sister like the series too.
Wesley B.
Mrs. Ayala
Dear Mis. Catz,
I think I should win this book because I love reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid and I love reading books. Plus I do not have one yet and I realy Want this book. I love dogs.
Makenna Calderon
Dear Mrs.Katz,
I Really REaLLY ReaLLY REaLLY want Diary of a Wimpy Kid dog days because I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Robert Robinson
Hi,Mrs. katz
I think I should win this book
because I like reading Diary of
a Wimpy Kid.
Elyssa Guzman
dear Mrs.Katz ,you are a great librarian i think i should win diary of a wimpy kid beacause i like to read a lot of books
mrs.johnsons class
krishni patel
Dear Mrs. Katz
I would like to win this book because I haven't got to any of them I'm dying to read one of them
Thomas Chaney
V. Johnson
Dear, Mrs.katz
I would like to win the book that people in this school want to. I want this book because I read all the other ones and it could be a real dream. I hope I get this book once in a lifetime.
Sincerely, Ankur M.
Mrs.V Johnson
Maddy F.
Mrs. Mcbride
Dear Mrs. Katz, I think I should win this book because I absolutely love reading and I have read every Diary of a Wimpy kid book there is (well except this one:))I also think I should win this book because I think Mrs. Katz is the best Librarian in the entire PYLUSD and because I want to be librarian someday and I'm going to need some books to put in the library! thanks! :^) :,)
Dear Mrs.katz,
I think that I shoud win this
book beacuse I will give it too my brother.His birthday is
November 13.And it would mean the
world too him[becuse his world is
books]all he does is read!!
madison cullen
Dear Mrs.katz
I think that i should win because i like to read Dairy of the wimpy kid's book and this is the frist time that i'v done this. I am really looking forward to win this book.
Emily Huang
Hi Mrs. Katz, my name is Ashley. (mrs ayala)I love your site by the way. Anywho, i think i should get the book becuase i like the series. I know that there are alot of people in the contest but I really like to read. I am open to any type of book you have to offer, and I really hope that I win.
Can you delete my old one ? Because it looks dumb. this is my new comment:
Dear Mrs.Katz,
I need the book because diary of the wimpy kid are my favorite books.
John Han
Dear Mrs. Katz, I think I should win Diary of a Wimpy Kid because I love books and would read this book about ten times and then pass it on to my sister. One more reason I think I should win it is I've read all the entire series and I am working on the Do-It-Yourself Book. More importantly, I am a wimpy kid.
Ethan Frisone
Mrs. Gordillo's 4th grade class
Dear Mrs. Katz,
I love your website and think that it is great that you are dedicating a site to books and authors. I want to be in the contest and win, because I think that the series Diary of a Wimpy Kid is very funny. I love to read, and will read anything you throw at me. Right now I am reading Queste, by Angie Sage. It is about 500 pages long. I know that there are alot of people entering this contest, and I know that I might and might not win this contest. It is a 50 50 split. Anyway, thank you for reading this comment, and I really hope I win. -Lauren Y. Mrs. Ayala.
Diary of a wimpy kid is a great series and I don't mind having the new one
Steven Hoang
Ms. Johnson
I kinda wish I wud hve won.
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