For their annual summer vacation, five cousins visit their grandparents in a cottage on an island in British Columbia. This summer is different though. Their grandfather has died and a mining company is buying up property all over the island and their grandmother can't remember where the deed to the house is hidden. If it's not found she will lose the cottage. Promising to help grandma locate the deed the cousins stumble upon one clue after another and realize grandpa has left them exactly what is needed to find the deed. If only they can connect the clues and break a secret code.
Many of the clues are written in grandpas's handwriting on favorite recipes. The author, Ellen Schwartz has shared these recipes with us making The Case of the Missing Deed a delicious mystery. The cousins are all believable characters adding a little of their talents to the mix. The parents and other adults are mostly in the background allowing the kids to figure things out on their own. This looks to be the first in a series entitled Teaspoon Detectives and I look forward to the next installment.
Recommended for middle grade boys and girls who like mysteries and for fans of books where recipes and cooking is involved such as The Teashop Girls
reviewed here and The Secret Ingredient
reviewed here both by Laura Schaefer. Read as an ebook arc courtesy of Tundra Books via Netgalley.