Suds is a boy entering third grade. Mrs. Simms, his teacher, challenges her students to be kind, considerate, hard working and to behave in and out of school and will reward those that abide with a halo. While this charming story focuses on Suds, aka George trying to be the first student to get the halo I enjoyed the relationship between Suds and his mom even more. Loved the fact that he earned his nickname from the enjoyment of relaxing in the tub. Loved the limited but important things the dad had to say and totally loved his mom and her words of wisdom. The writing is perfect for second grade and up and reluctant readers will enjoy the humor, the illustrations and the short chapters.
Readers will enjoy Jerry Spinelli's newest book and will probably search for his Fourth Grade Rats (Third Grade Angels is actually a prequel) to continue reading about Suds. Read as an ebook arc courtesty of Scholastic via Netgalley.
