David Shannon has a new book coming out soon.

David Shannon has a new book coming out soon.
I came across this you-tube preview for a new book coming out in the fall. Check this out! It's by the author of the hilarious (and a little scary) Demonkeeper.
The American Library Association (ALA) held it's annual conference in Anaheim. I spent two days in the exhibit hall and was amazed at the size, scope and volume of the entire event.
I was given the opportunity to purchase new books that won't even be published until September and October. One of them is Too Many Toys by David Shannon (the author/illustrator of No, David). I was able to speak with him and he autographed the book for the students of Golden. Additionally I received lots of ARCs (advanced reader copies)that have not been completely edited or printed. Some of these are also autographed by authors that were at the event. One of the ones that will be the most popular is The Runaway Dolls which continues the story from The Doll People and The Meanest Doll in the World. Both were signed by one of the authors and the illustrator. The second one is Inkdeath which follows Inkheart and Inkspell. Hate that Cat is another that I'll write about next. I also met Christopher Paul Curtis, Kadir Nelson, Brian Selznick, Jan Greenburg, M.T. Anderson and Don Wood. Being at ALA and meeting authors, illustrators, publishers and editors was like being in Hollywood and meeting celebrities. To me at least.